Aaah, Friday.
Don’t you just love it when people say, “Aaah, Friday”? I prefer it when people say, “Oh boy, Friday” or “Tee Hee, Friday” or “Oh You Know It, Friday!” but I’m happy either way because it means one very important (yet not so important) thing: Words For Your Enjoyment!
This week’s submission idea comes from Justin who says simply, “Guys and pink shirts. Discuss.”
Hoo boy. Justin has hit on something very emotionally scarring. So scarring, that instead of actually vocalizing my real thoughts about such a subject, I would instead like to present you a haiku that communicates just how I feel. I encourage you, in the comments, to share your own thoughts about pink shirts in a haiku form as well. (For those who don’t know, haikus have three lines — the first line has 5 syllables, then 7 syllables, then 5 syllables.)
Forced as a child. The butt of jokes, everywhere. Pink, is not for me.
Really, don’t you think those words speak volumes?