It’s been so long since I’ve given a shout out to some of the great blogs out there that I’d like to take this week’s WFYE to do so. Over the course of a day I peruse at least 90 or so blogs via the Bloglines service — and get my daily fix.
Well, in lieu of having a long-ass link list on the left of the blog (purely due to anal design issues), I present to you a selection of just some of my own daily stops that have been newly added to the Official (but never posted) WFME Sanctioned Blog List. Good people. Good blogs. Good words.
Barefoot* Principessa is a mix of sly-humor about pop culture and personal musings by the Barefoot* Principessa herself. Although a particuarly humorous black and white photo-essay of the BP saying goodbye to her Halo 2 obsessed boyfriend got me there in the first place, it’s a fun, quick easy daily read. (Like the old Choose Your Own Adventure books.)
Tony Pierce’s Busblog is rant-central, pure and simple. TP has a pretty big following already, with some great press in some of the major newspapers for his political ramblings, but there’s just something fascinating and “car-accident” worthy (you know, you can’t look away no matter how hard you try) about his site and the audio-posts give it a Sedaris feel.
Then there’s Groovebunny, a well-designed, cool-looking, fun to read site by the GB herself. Just a cool gal with a cool blog and interesting things to say. What she’s bribed me with to add her to this list is between her and me. (Kidding – I can’t be bought!)
My obsessive compulsive disorder that has to do with video games always gets its daily fix at Kotaku dot com — a technology and gaming blog that updates all day long with news about the one industry that makes more money on a yearly basis than the film industry. It’s good stuff. Eat it up, yum.
There’s also the “motley blatherings of a 28-year old female from bumfuck nowhere” over at Webmiztris. It’s all about the good people with the unique voices and Webmiztris has that. Sometimes I feel like her blog reminds me a bit of the sense-of-humor over at Dooce — and that’s not a bad thing in the least.
And then, of course, while I’m linking away — I can’t forget the regular commentors on WFME who help add the well-needed voice of society by swinging by on a daily basis who have got some pretty damn good blogs as well. Their blogs include Erin Abbott, Four Legged Lexis, Something Requisitely Witty & Urbane, a.d.d., Quick Story, Prepare to Meet Your Bakerina, I Smell Like a Genius, Why Jerry Why?, Jessi, The Me Yet To Come, Diary of a Geek, Incoherent Babbling, Lawgeek, Anxiousdog, Unraveling the Enigma, A Musing or Too Much?, Youngest of One, Cruftbox, Mountaineer Musings, Superjux, Syntax of Things, LAist and the Defamer.
Wow, and to think I did that all on one breath.
Seriously, though — if you’re looking for some new daily readings (other than WFME, of course) give any or all of the above blogs a try. There’s a lot of people out there putting words to the digital page who deserve a little time.
Enjoy their words. I know I do.
(Disclaimer: If I have accidentally forgotten to put your blog in the list above it does not mean I am mad at you, hate you, don’t like your blog or think your contributions to this site are less than stellar. It’s early. I have a brain like a block of swiss cheese. Sometimes, things fall through the cracks. I am on my knees, apologizing profusely.)