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  • Paul Davidson

Sunday’s 5:41PM Pacific Standard Time, Post

It is Sunday.

Being the fact that it is Sunday, I might as well tell you that it is also 5:41PM. These are important details in you knowing about my state of mind. For, had it been 6:30PM, my state of mind might have been all about what was starting on TV. But since it is only 5:41PM, alas — who cares.

Being the fact that it is Sunday at 5:41PM, it’s probably important that I should tell you that it is 5:41PM Pacific Standard Time. Had you not known this, and had you been reading from the East Coast, you might have stopped short in your tracks (i.e., your “reading tracks”) and wondered, “Did Pauly D just write this post minutes ago, as it is currently 8:45PM East Coast Time where I am at, or did he write this post three hours ago… If he lived on the East Coast, he would have written it three hours ago which would have made me wonder — well, why the hell he waited til so late in the day!? Then again, what if his blogging software is just set to PST and he’s living in EST? This must be resolved!”

So…based on the fact that I have told you it is Sunday, that it is currently 5:41PM and that this post was posted just around 5:41PM Pacific Standard Time, I should probably confirm the fact that, yes, I am living on the West Coast. Lost Angeles, to be exact. And now that you know this, all the details are at your fingertips.

And it’s a good thing, because for a guy like me and a person like you — we have to be on the same page for things like this. Confusion is a barrier to the lines of communication staying open… And I, personally, being in the Pacific Standard Time, time zone — well, I would like nothing better than to have the communication between my time zone and your time zone be perfectly in synch.

Synch. Sync. Sink.

I like to spell. Just so you know. But that…

That’s another post altogether.

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