For those playing along at home, here is what you may or may not have won, in an imaginary world that means nothing whatsoever.
Box A: A beautiful 24karat gold pinky ring. Damn phat. You would have loved it. Great gift item. Box B: An awesome SONY Plasma Flat-Screen HDTV, 52 inch. Curtain C: 40 pounds of Cod.
You never go for the curtain. Never!
In other news (a.k.a. “More”) — I am home this weekend taking advantage of my last weekend in Los Angeles until mid-May. Got word from the book agents that the whole agency and partners are behind the second book idea and I am tweaking the proposal this weekend so it can go off to Random House in the next week or so. Watch – I will leave town and be M.I.A., and everything I’m waiting on will click.
Going to see 13 Going On 30 tonight. Don’t ask, don’t tell.