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  • Paul Davidson

My Words Thank You

An official thank you to all who voted for Words For My Enjoyment in the 2004 Weblog Awards.

WFME walked away with a groundbreaking 2230 votes, which means that all 2000 of my regular readers voted at least once, then 100 of you voted two more times, and three of you combined your efforts to each vote an additional 10 times. To those three people, you guys really went above and beyond the call of duty. And to you I say — huzzah!

Some have said that the 2004 Weblog Awards were inundated with politically-themed humor blogs (although the reality is that only about 2/3rds of the nominees were) while others have said that the 2004 Weblog Awards were a mirage — something that never happened and is just a part of someone’s dream. Either way, it doesn’t much matter now as another brand-new Weblog Award Contest is rearing its not-so-ugly head.

That brand-new and improved weblog contest is called the Best of Blog awards and is accepting nominations until December 24th. What’s different about this contest of stamina and creativity is that they’re looking to reward “the best personal blogs you should be reading” with notoriety and yes, prizes.

The Best of Blog awards will reward each category winner things like (a) a year of free web hosting, (b) free professional web design, (c) free Blog Explosion credits, (d) signed books, (e) gift certificates and (f) a llama. (Note: The llama idea is all mine.)

But let’s think for a moment about a Blog Awards that actually gave the winning blog a llama as a prize? You could have a huge picture of said llama on your blog’s front page and have a caption like, “I won this llama for being the best blog ever! His name is Chauncey. Say Hi Chauncey.”

And then you could create some kind of animated GIF with the llama spitting.

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