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  • Paul Davidson


Yesterday was the day of the ego-stroke.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before (albeit shadowy and with very little details), but a screenplay of mine was acquired by a major production company (this has nothing to do with the Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting) and I had a big pow-wow meeting yesterday with my management and the principals of the company. After the usual hand-shaking, water-drinking and positive commentary about the script (hell, they own it now so they’d better be happy) they handed out a list of choices for Directors and Cast. To sit there and hear the names of A-list Directors they want to make offers to was both (a) surreal and (b) amazing. Same goes for the A-list talent they want to go out to for the main character of the movie. Again, all these things could never happen — you still have to get Directors and Talent to read the script, love the script and agree to what you want to pay them, but the process will begin over the next two weeks and could bring some exciting developments. As for the official details, as soon as they’re announced in the Hollywood trades, I’ll link to that article.

I also mentioned in the past that I had been doing some writing for a magazine. I heard back yesterday from the editor I’d been dealing with and found out that they were very pleased with the article I had written for them, which makes me more confident in mentioning it since it will most likely be printed in the next edition of the mag. The magazine is Mental_Floss Magazine, and it’s a mix between a Science/History/Math/Trivia magazine and The Onion. (I like to say that if Cliff Clavin from Cheers ever read a magazine where he got all his information, this would be the mag.) If you don’t subscribe or have never read it — check out the site and/or maybe pick up a copy. It’s fun stuff.

I heard back from my book agents the other day as well, and was informed that my next book went out to about 7 publishers. Who it went to is based on who responded to the concept when pitched the book’s idea over the phone. So, now the process will take anywhere from another few weeks to a few months. Book publishers sometimes get as many as 100 manuscripts/proposals a week, so it takes them some time to get through it all. Consumer Joe went to publishers in May, and I heard in July that it was being picked up by Random House… So, I must simply wait and obsess over it.

As I’m about four weeks away from moving, most of my time over the next few weeks will be dedicated to obsessing over the above items and boxing up everything in my house for the move to the new house. Scarily enough, I am extremely excited about taking apart my 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound Home Theater and putting it back together in the new place. It’s sort of my modern technology version of a 100,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.

Who said I was normal?

In other news, that’s about all the news I have for you.

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