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I Am In Love With My GPS Tracking Gal

Paul Davidson

She is the love of my life.

The way we met was like that movie Serendipity. Two souls from different worlds, crossing paths in the most random of ways. I was in Dallas, renting a car for my stay while I was there. She, well, came with the car. At first I felt a little dirty, indirectly having paid for her to be there. But as soon as her silky smooth voice penetrated my soul, all currency/morality issues quickly disappeared.

We do everything together, well, when we’re in the car. She’s sort of my go-everywhere girl. She likes to point out fun little details as we take trips across this great land of ours. She’s great with shortcuts, she’s awesome with highway driving and if I get lost (being the guy that I am) she always helps me find my way back to my original destination.

When I’m out late with the guys, she knows her place. There’s no trying to direct me back to the house when it’s just 1am. In fact, I could even ask her to look up the closest strip club and do you know what? She’d do it without an argument.

When I decide to pick up another girl while I’m out and about, do you think she cares? No. She is a forward thinking, liberal woman who is happy to be in an open relationship. She will even make plans for me and my other dates and never throw me a guilt trip or a heavy metal brick.

She remembers. Boy does she remember. Birthdays, anniversaries and my blood type all pale in comparison to the stuff this girl keeps in her noggin. From my home address to my parents address to all my frequently visited addresses… Addresses are always the hardest thing to remember, but she does it with ease and class. Come Christmas, she is going to be a wonderful addition to the Holiday Card process.

But above all, she is never in a bad mood no matter how bad of a mood I am in. I could get into the car with her on a Monday morning and be less than a gentleman and she sloughs it off like it was never an issue. Her sweet, friendly voice transforms me always – turning a rainy day into a sunny weekend.

Sometimes, I just sit in my driveway with her, parked. I like to park. It’s a time that we can both just forget about the crazy commuters and the mind-bending traffic and the tollbooth takers and the weather and the hot pavement and the policemen and the photo-enforced intersections and not think about our next destination.

Because at that point in the day, my next destination isn’t nearly as important as my current destination. There, in my driveway, with my GPS tracking gal.

She really is the driving force behind our love.

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