It’s damn amazing how much you realize you take weekends for granted when you find yourself working weekends then come face to face with a weekend you don’t have to work. Like this weekend.
The last few weeks have been crazy, to say the least, but they have also been extremely satisfying and engaging on a creative level for the [NOW, NO LONGER UNDISCLOSED] television show. When you work as a solitary writer in your “home office” for months on end, and I’ve said this before but want to say it again, working with real people sure is nice. It’s sort of like being a comedian. For months you practice your material only to (one day) get out and do your set in front of people. For me, it’s nice to finally realize you may still be creative, funny and fun to be around — if not simply by enjoying interaction with others. Phew. Did you get through that?
The promo that I helped produce for the [PREVIOUSLY UNDISCLOSED] reality TV show started airing this week in an attempt to let the world know that casting was suddenly underway. The promo will air again, for sure, this Sunday night during ABC’s Extreme Home Makeover. So if you haven’t seen the promo for The Benefactor be sure to check out that show this Sunday night. You’ll see the great work Mark Cuban did on the spot. But I’ll tell you this – it’s such a quick promo with so many scenes and people, it’s just scratching the surface of what we did that day. If ABC was smart, they’d edit out a few more of them with the real human element figured prominently. There’s nothing more exciting and endearing than watching people being given money for no reason. Smiling faces, my friends. Nothing better.
On the screenwriting/novelist front there’s a lot of great potential stuff in the works, which I’ve mentioned before. And in this town, it’s always good to have a lot of those potential things to look forward to if only to be able to say to yourself — “Hey, if at least one of those things happen, I’ll be way satisfied!”
Only one, my friends. Only one.
There is Company A, who has let my “people” know that they are interested in acquiring a screenplay of mine. But again, although they’ve made it known, there’s still conversations, calls and legal things to be discussed. So, it’s nowhere near to being done or for sure. But the interest is always good. More on that as it progresses.
Then there is Talent B, who is looking for a project to direct. His people love a different screenplay of mine, and have pitched it to him. Talent B was intrigued and is reading it this week. If Talent B connects with it and wants to direct it, the results would be wonderful. But again, nothing for sure.
Then there is Project C, which I have been working to just get the damn contracts finished and signed for. When and if they do, then the agreement will spur on a sequence of pitching Project C to Networks A, B and C. From there, it’s still a crap shoot, but maybe one will bite.
To finish up, I had mentioned my second book before. Fortunately, my agents were very excited about the proposal and simply wanted my writing sample (a sample chapter from the book) to be re-tweaked based on their notes. In response to my latest pass, my agent felt it was very close to being done. Which is good. If we can wrap that up in the next few weeks, then it goes to Random House for them to decide if they want it or not (they have a first look deal per my last contract). If yes, golden. If not, off to the other publishers of the world.
I am a living Catch 22. I love to dream and imagine and plan based on dreams and imagination. I love to think about the above things moving forward and happening and how everything could change as a result. But I also try to not talk about any of these things. Because when you mention them to family and friends they get excited, you get more excited and then when they don’t happen it just sort of feels like you should have never mentioned them at all.
I mean, isn’t it better to keep your dreams “under the hood” until they’re real?
Then again, other people suggest that the fact that the above things are even going on and even have potential of happening should be enough of a compliment to allow some celebration and cheer.
Who knows.