Was it harder than last time or can you only do a treasure hunt once before boring the American public? That question could be answered by the list of winners below (which was not to exceed 3):
Congratulations to these winners of the 2nd Annual WFME Blog Treasure Hunt (where “2nd Annual” does not refer to yearly, bi-monthly or any kind of regular time framed interval). They are:
The solution itself is below: Where “X” marks the spot, find the street name in part, “search within” in the box, select your choice, now we’ll start.
Looking at the above paragraph, it directs us to the “X” on the map in this entry. The street name that the “X” is on, is “20th”. Enter “20th” into the search box on the WFME home page. It will bring up only one search result – directing you to the entry titled “The Real American Clown”.
He’s got a freaky-rat dog, he’s got you under his skin, the only person to comment, is where to begin.
He’s got a freaky-rat dog, refers to the comment by Will where you can click on his post titled, “I’ve Got You Under My Skin”. There, the only person who has commented, tvindy is where you should begin.
Of his “primary readers”, go up seven, down four, in the seventh of twelve, click on six, add three more.
Look at his link bar, titled “primary readers”. Go up seven, then back down four — leaving you to select Bakerina where if you search in the seventh month of twelve months (July), and click on the sixth day (while adding 3 more) you’ll want to select her July 9th entry.
If you’re in the right entry, you won’t “knead” to know more, just select the white ice-sphere, and find out about to be sure.
The entry, titled “I don’t knead you” is the right place you should be. And while there, in the comments, you’ll want to select the white ice-sphere (i.e. snowball) and click on Snowball to go to their blog. Once there, you’ll want to “find out about”, so click on the About Me tab.
Then collect all the numbers, hidden deep in the text, return back to the homeland, where you’re close to the X.
Now in the “About Me” section, you want to “collect all the numbers hidden deep in the text.” Read through the about me text and add up any numbers (words or numbers) together. You’ll find the word “one” the number “40” and the word “two”. Together, you have “43”. Take that number, returning to the homeland (Words For Your Enjoyment) where the “X” was to begin with.
Then place your new number, inside of “the box”, pick the first of two choices, where it talks about “rocks”.
Then place “43” in “the box” (the search box from earlier). When you search it, the first choice is the one you want — which refers to “My Childhood Drug Habit” which could refer to cocaine or “rocks”. Click on that entry.
Go two past our old friend, who you visited before, and select your new pal, searching for the first “store”.
Our old friend being Will, who we linked to before — go two past, resting on Hilary and going to her blog. When you get there, search “store” with your browser’s search feature and it should drop you in a passage that refers to a store called “Galco’s”.
Once there, it is simple, you’ve found all the rest, just copy and e-mail, a full-two lined address.
Once there, at the Galco’s site, take the street address and e-mail it to yours truly.
5702 York Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90042
If you did that and were one of the first three (see: above), then Congrats! If it gave you a migraine (like before), I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe it just ain’t your bag, baby.